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What is the Field School?

The Field School is an opportunity for learning and exchange about our region that examines the confluence of race, extraction, and environment. Through a process of social engagement, it will support collective narratives that challenge previous histories and examine our present moment.


Who are the Project Members?

There will be diverse participants throughout the course of the Field School including Creative Partners, Community Partners, Organizational Partners, Students, and the General Public. Partners and Students will receive support for their time and labor in addition to project budget where applicable. 


Our understanding of project is wide-open, and can range from material installation, event, recurrent happening, publication, and anything in between. We value the way a project can focus energies, flush out expertise, interests, and needs, as well as fulfill concrete goals of the community groups and artists. Ideally, project ambitions are part of longer-term thinking about the values and aspirations of each.


The river is one thing, marking a historical divide between freed and enslaved, a collision of indigenous nations, colonial empires, states, jurisdictions, belongings, and identities. Crossing the river is to recapitulate these histories—whether we know it or not. And this project asks of us and our audiences an alertness to this historical rehearsal and hopes to set in motion a series of conversations, projects, and performances that position and reframe these histories in a contemporary context. Crossings is part of a regional, multi-nodal initiative called “Mississippi River Watershed: An Immersive Humanities Curriculum” supporting artists, designers, activists, and culture bearers up and down the Mississippi River valley.


Crossings is part of a regional, multi-nodal initiative of supporting artists, designers, activists, and culture bearers up and down the Mississippi River valley.




Alicia Ajayi
Allena Brazier 
Dail Chambers
Jennifer Colten 
Basmin Daughter of All Relations
Matt Fluharty
Joni Gordon

Saundi Kloeckener
Lynn Peemoeller
Samantha Pounders
Roberta Rogers
Quinton Ward
Jesse Vogler

Field School Logo-final (1).png
Field School Logo-final (1).png
stay grounded like land flow like river
grow like seeds

©Middle Waters Field School Crossings

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