Middle Water Field School memebrs team up and support each other on creative-social projects. Check Them Out.
Spatializing East St. Louis through Language & Landscape
Project Title: Spatializing East St. Louis through Language and Landscape
Location/s: East St Louis
Description: Place-making and visualizing estl through hometown creative, writing, photography, and maps.
Keywords:Language, landscape, photography
Partners: Jen, Allena, Joni, Jesse,
Project Title: Seedbank
Location/s: STL City possibly Benton Park East
Description: A two- part investigation into shared St. Louis landscapes and heritage through seeds, ancestry, relationships, adaptability, plants, & storytelling
Keywords: Gathering, making, sharing, knowledge production, Landscapes, Garden
Partners: Lynn, Dail, Sam
Gazette Paper
Project Title: American Bottom Gazette
Location/s:American Bottoms: Valmeyer & TBA Northern Interstate Site
Description: Newspaper publication- design image and text, multiple narratives, public events
Keywords:Varied lived experiences of resident contributors
Partners: Matt, Jesse, Jen, Alisa